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Author Deacon Ray Biersbach PhD

My writing is meant to help proclaim the Gospel. What is new about my approach is an effort to integrate the best of Catholic theological resources with advances in developmental and applied psychology.

Bayard/Creative Communications for the Parish

Address: 1564 Fencorp Drive

Fenton, Missouri 63026

Welcome to Bayard - A media company of international scope with a unique history that goes back 150 years.

Michelle Johnson - Caregivers of the Cross

How To Cope Practically, Emotionally and Spiritually When a Loved One Has a Serious Illness

Miracles on Main Street

What's it like to experience the Real Presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration? "I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street" offers true, life-changing encounters of ordinary people who have answered Jesus' invitation to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament.

Pauline Books & Media

Address: 50 St. Paul's Ave.

Boston, Massachusetts 02130

Pauline Books and Media Publishing is part of the larger apostolic mission of the Daughters of St. Paul reaching out to real people, struggling to live real faith today, and an authentic resource for books and media solidly roosted in our Catholic identity.

Raven Crest Publishing and Production House, LLC

Address: 406 Briarcliff Circle

Lynchburg, Virginia 24502

Raven Crest Publishing and Production House is committed to creating and making available to the world powerful, life-changing works of written and visual art in the mediums of literature, film, and various other formats.